Thursday, June 25, 2020

Friendship Vs Dating: What’s Better?

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Friends, as they say, are like the family you choose, and now there’s evidence to prove it. Studies into inter-personal connectivity have shown that friendships are the most important relationships we have in terms of our health and happiness, and cultivating them into old age could even help us live longer.Unlike familial bonds, which often come with particular responsibilities and expectations, friendships are solely joy based. When we select our friends we look for those who share similar qualities and interests, people to whom we can reveal our realest selves without fear of judgement or rejection.

 The fuel for endless love is endless friendship. Friends are angels who can lift our feet when our wings have forgotten to fly. When life gets you down, friend will still hold you high! Like stars true friends will always be in your life, though you can see them only sometimes, you can be sure that they are always there.

 If you have a friend who can stand beside you when millions stand against you, then your life is a success! No matter what situations they end up in or how far apart they turn to be- they will come back to each other. Those are the people who have the little thing called fate on their side. So it is said “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy relationships or marriages.”

 Being there for a friend at times of need is the greatest gift you can give; similarly you should have a heart to allow them to be for you. relationship is like close friends who are life’s treasure to each other.

Sometimes, your partner may know you better than you know yourself; this is possible only by letting go off things that are not meant to be there in your life.

In a relationship that is bound by marriage, trust and honesty must exist. If they don’t, there is no point for continuing the love. Stay single if you cannot afford to be honest!

*Thank you* 


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